If you ever want to adjust the times PANDA will use to automatically send your surveys and reminders, then you can click on the Office Settings tab.
You may select up to 4 appointment reminder intervals (2 confirmable, 2 nonconfirmable). Make sure the 1st reminder interval is always greater than the 2nd. The 3rd reminder can be set with a maximum of 24 hours and the advanced (4th) reminder can be set with a minimum of 168 hours. Selecting "0" for a particular reminder will disable it.
The 5th interval (post-appointment survey) determines when PANDA will automatically send your request for feedback emails to patients. PANDA will only send one survey request per patient every six months to ensure patients aren't inundated with email.
How many patients can your office see at any one time? This corresponds to the number of chairs. For dental offices, chairs are equivalent to operatories.
Please verify your timezone is correct. The updates you make save automatically when you click the blue button.